उचलेगीरीस सक्त मनाई

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Sunday, February 23, 2014

Gochar Planets ( Transit ) 2014

All Dates in DD-MM-YYYY format
Transit of the Sun in 2014
Date Sign
From 01 January 2014 Sagittarius
From 14 January 2014 Capricorn
From 13 February 2014 Aquarius
From 14 March 2014 Pisces
From 14 April 2014 Aries
From 15 May 2014 Taurus
From 15 June 2014 Gemini
From 16 July 2014 Cancer
From 17 August 2014 Leo
From 17 September 2014 Virgo
From 17 October 2014 Libra
From 16 November 2014 Scorpio
From 16 December 2014 Sagittarius
Transit of Mercury in 2014

Friday, February 7, 2014

Viparit Rajyoga

What is Viparit rajyoga?

Uttara kalamrita sloka 22 chapter 4 - if the lord of the 8th is in the 6th or 12th, the lord 6th is in the 8th or 12th or if the lord of the 12th is in the 6th or 8th then these 3 combinations are called Viparita raja yogas. These lords must be related mutually by conjunction mutual aspect, mutual exchange of houses. They should at the same time not have any such relationship with other planets. Then the native becomes a famous, prosperous and powerful king or emperor.

Phaladeepika in chapter 6 sloka 63 - (If the 6th house or its lord is associated with or aspected by malefics or the lord of the 6th house occupies an evil house,* Harsha Yoga is caused).
One born in such a Yoga is endowed with happiness, enjoyment, good luck and a stout body. He over powers his enemies easily and is afraid to commit sinful acts. He is a friend of illustrious and prominent people. He is blessed with wealth, splendor, fame, friend and sons.

Phaladeepika in chapter 6 Sloka 65 - (If the lord of the 8th house is posited in the 6th, 8th or the 12th house it causes Sarla Yoga).
The person born in this Yoga will enjoy longevity, be resolute, fearless, prosperous,, respected and endowed with learning, children and wealth. He will be successful in all his enterprises, overcome his foes, be pure of mind and widely celebrated.