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Friday, December 7, 2012

Margasira Lakshmi Puja Vidhanam: Procedure of Margasira Guruvara Laxmi Vratham

Margasira Lakshmi Puja is one of the major vows observed in North Coastal districts of Andhra Pradesh. Though the puja procedure or puja vidhanam is same as other Lakshmi vratham like Deepavali Lakshmi puja and Varalakshmi puja, the naivedyam that is offered to the Goddess is different. Margasira Lakshmi vratam 2012-2013 dates are: December 20, December 27, January 3, January 10 and January 17 in 2013.

 On Thursdays in Margasira month, devotees prepare to perform Laxmi puja either in temples or at homes. Houses are cleaned and kept neat during the festival days and the image or small idol of Goddess Lakshmi is placed at puja place. Some people also place a Kalasham instead of image or idol of Lakshmi.

Lord Vinayaka or Ganesh is worshipped first. Devotees perform Prathama puja to Ganapati to get rid of obstacles or vignas. After Ganapati puja, Goddess Lakshmi is worshipped with shodashopachara puja and ashtottaram and offered special Naivedya on each day during the month. The Margasira Lakshmi vratha katha or the story of Margashira Laxmi puja is recited after puja.

Margarshirsha Maas - Importance

Margashirsha maas or Margashira masam is the ninth month as per traditional Hindu calendar. It is believed as one of the auspicious months for Hindus. In Puranas, Margashirsh maas is mentioned as ‘Maasonam Margashirshoham which means there is no auspicious month as Margashiram.

Margashirsh month is also mentioned in the Bhagwad Gita by Lord Sri Krishna. The below slokam tells about the significance and spiritual importance of margasheersha maas.

Bruhatsama thatha samnam
Gayatri Chandasamaham
Masanam Margashoham
Ruthunam Kusumakarna

It means – Lord Krishna says “I, myself, stay in Bruhathsama in the Samaveda, Gayatri in Chandassu or literature, Margashirsha or Margashira in months and Vasant rithu in rithus or seasons”.

It is said that performing ritual bath in the Ganga river during Margashirsh month gives the result of ten million grahan snan. Vishnu Puja during the month is highly auspicious. Lakshmi puja is observed on Margashirsh lakshmivar or Guruvar during margashira masam. Vishnu Sahasranama parayana and visiting Vishnu temples in the month is most preferred deeds.

Gita Jayanti 2010 – Bhagavad Gita Jayanthi 2010 date