उचलेगीरीस सक्त मनाई

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Saturday, January 12, 2013

Astrology & its Materialistic use

Dear all,
    Yup ! One can slightly raise his/her eyebrows after looking at the title! People, this is what we should focus infact. Allright , staring from very beginning either few of us are Aastik & few of us are Nastik. Nastik people are out of this discussion as they will not make this headache ever.

    Amongst Astik few of us bow our heads in front of  God every day & few finds god as a best friend like someone to share a coffee with ! Some are afraid of god & for some its last option for exams or their crush or promotion ;) Now, really moving ahead ; we all will think of beginning good work at good muhurtas ! agreed ! Hindu astrology ! I tried a very scientific methodical study of Indian astrology even at the time of "2012 End of the world Myths !" Yup, I am quite proud of Hindu astrology when got to know that the calculations of NASA which is always being one of motivating backbone behind my career in Science & medical field ; matched with Indian astrology science regarding life of Mother Earth !
   Now this astrology takes little wavy turns in life at the time of marriage in some normal individual s life; and so did in mine. I being lover of meditation, self controlling attributes , ancient architecture& peace of mind always & very always fond of temples.
But crossing this bond between me ; my dear friend god & my temples something tried coming in between called as Astrology. Alright , can write a whole book on this journey ; currently rushing through with strong markings that marriage issue literally make us our lives shake-shake-shake! ( It was not my Protein shake although am being a dietitian  found of! ;) ) I entered this door of astrology with a curiosity to know is it true & how much & how much to trust & how much to follow & how to tally ! I remember , have accessed many times Indian national forecast charts & planetary positions ( Ahh , being a Science student ! ) while learning this astrology. I didnt fish to trust anything with blindness.

   In this learning , you get excited , you become happy when you are able to tally something ! You also get a crack when something unwanted discovered ! You need a strong heart people to learn astrology. Now, Main issue resolves around
             " Even after consulting many astrologers, no one is able to tell us right . Or much differences of opinions are noted regarding the same patrika & planetary positions. "
Results may turn some ones opinion about astrology , agreed !

The thing I have realized about astrology is

1. There are different schools of thoughts , principles & basics of astrology.
2. These school of thoughts sometimes may or may not support each other.
3. The person practicing may or may not have a full, in-depth  knowledge.
4. person practicing it for his own bread & butter will turn it into consultancy which is professional way. Will never say this is bad. But; individual has different principles about how to flourish practice which may or may not be ethical wrt given time frame.

                  eg. A. 15 people to be covered within 10 minutes of consultancy leftover time
                         B.  People not understanding basis / unwilling to do anything themselves
                              & simply want fruits out of it are to be handled. 
                         C. I guess , it has to do with counseling psychology as many times people
                              come to astrologer as a very last hope. 
                         D. having spiritual backbone has nothing to do with astrological degrees
                             & exams But these people are tremendously clam , en-lighting & gives
                              experience which can't be clarified via any logical tools of thought.
                         E. In my clinical practice ; being & treating as a  medico ; I have seen miracles
                              do happen !
                         F. I have seen astrologers also do publish researches based on their experience
                             with various patrika they have had come across ; the way we people
                              write scientific research papers !
                         G. There are sili mistakes that might happen while reading & interpreting  patrika
                              ( Computer mistakes may / may not be there .. still ! ) One can predict something
                              without considering one or two minor aspects by mistake !
                             This can make a great difference !
( This- Point G-  reminds me my maths papers ! My teachers used to solve whole sum again & again to check alothought I have done everything with right formula ; how can the final answer be different ;) And that could be small fault like diving denominators & numerators which have plus sign in between !! lol ;) )

You, I got frustrated , I got exalted , I got bubbly - wobbly  as when I came across good & bad things via astrology. Concluding few points out of all my transient chaotic brain storms.

1. Every individual has few plus & minus points. The real friend is the one who accepts us with all our negativities. In the same way, true life partner is the one who accepts you with your plus & minus.
Astrology language- You carry stars with you. No one can change them now ! Accept & learn living happily with them !

2. Do not get frustrated when anything in your patrika is not so good in position. Every person with good shukra is not Katrina kaif in looks & not Ambani in richness ! The every person with strong Budha will not be a doctor ; can be a good astrologer as well !
Astrology language- If god has made a particular plus & minus there has to be some very valid reason which will certainly help you in handling situations in your coming life in better way !

3. People, every individual astrologer has a different definition of " Good Patrika "
One will follow Indian astrology & will rate a patrika with good spiritual powers as a good one. Another will coat it in negative aspects of Prapanchik sukha.

4. Try taking help of astrology for your things running smoothly. But Don't ever imagine you will end up in having smooth married life after astrological consult in arrange marriage!
The one should know the base line !It is a marriage where every fight is equivalent to spices in pickles ! Be practical, utilize knowledge & guidance of astrology in utilizing your energy in right direction. You can keep trying with your heart & soul & great force of motivation & faith in work ; you might get obstacles but god will give you a power to cross the same. If you dont try; you are lost.

Astrological Language-  You need to suffer with the destiny you carry with you. No escape from it unless you suffer & nullify your balance of last few births & this birth !

That's all! :)

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